PREVIEW: Ep04 with Sir Julian Rose.....Great Reset, Escaping The Matrix and Building A Better World.

2 years ago

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A quick taster of what's to come in next weeks podcast interview with the extraordinary Sir Julian Rose.

Who is Julian Rose? Julian was born into British aristocracy and aged just 19 inherited a 1000 acre estate in the UK called Hardwick House.

Whilst Julian had every opportunity to spend his life living within the trappings of wealth and privilege, instead, Julian chose the warriors path and dedicated his life to challenging those that seek to poison and exploit the planet, and all life upon it.

From becoming one of Britain's first organic farmers in the 1970's and campaigning to remove toxic pesticides from our farms -- to getting GMO seeds banned from Poland -- Julian never backed down from a fight and in our conversation we discuss what led Julian to take on such challenges.

Later in the show Julian seeks to help us prepare for what is surely the greatest battle humanity has ever faced - overcoming the dystopian transhuman agenda the global elites are now rapidly advancing.

Julian shines a light on how we might do this by going back to the land and creating a parallel system based on real food and real community.

You do not want to miss this one! I left is super inspired and I know your going too also!

Episode goes live 8PM GMT on June 14th!

Take care, and thanks for watching!

Cpt. Mike

#permaculture #organic #orgranicfarming

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