Netflix With Ads Coming November 3 | Everything You Need to Know About "Basics With Ads" Package

2 years ago

About a year back Netflix began talking about how they were considering rolling out a discounted Netflix package which had ads. Then a few months back Netflix confirmed that this plan was coming, but likely wouldn't be out until 2023. Well we've recently learned that Netflix with ads or the "Basics With Ads" package as they call it is on it's way and will be here November 3, 2022.

So what does that mean for you, well the new package will cost $6.99 and will feature between 4-5 minutes of ads per hour of Netflix watched. Not all current Netflix content will be available to the ads package as Netflix hasn't worked out the licensing terms with some studios.

Make no mistake this will change the viewing experience for those who subscribe to Netflix with commercials as well as those who don't, as moving forward all Netflix programming will be written and filmed with hard breaks or commercial breaks in mind so it will change the cadence or how the shows actually flow, even for those who don't opt for Netflix with Commercials.

Beyond that, what does this signal for the overall economy? While Hulu long has offered a cheaper version of it's service with ads, other streaming platforms like Disney+, Netflix, and HBO among others have not gone this route until now. There's a lot of talk about a "possible recession", I think most of us realize we are currently in a recession that's likely to get substantially worse over the course of the coming months and the next year so are these streaming platforms aware of this and preparing? I could see how someone may decide rather than cutting Netflix entirely, they'll just drop down to the $6.99 Basics With Ads package and maybe it saves them from losing some subscribers.

As always would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this story so drop a comment down below...

#Netflixwithads #Netflix #Recession

Netflix Reveals Details About Its New Ad-Supported Tier Launching Next Month, Including Price


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