[TRAILER] New Zealand's Medical Seizure of Baby Will -Sue Grey, Lawyer, & Dr. Anne O'Reilly, MD

2 years ago

FULL INTERVIEW: www.brightlightnews.com/interview-baby-will-update-with-sue-grey-family-lawyer-dr-anne-oreilly-md/

[TRAILER] Should the state be allowed to usurp parental rights and powers to make medical decisions for their child?

Despite overwhelming evidence of harms from the mRNA Covid injections and the death of Baby Alexander, who died of a blood clot shortly after his vaccinated blood transfusion, a New Zealand court has awarded medical guardianship of Baby Will to the state, forcing an unwanted and potentially dangerous transfusion of mRNA-vaccinated blood before open-heart surgery.

Join us as the family’s lawyer, Sue Grey—now facing mainstream media attacks—and Dr. Anne O’Reilly update us on the Dec. 7 court decision and on Baby Will and the family’s current situation.

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