Facebook Suspension, Hunter's Connection to Epstein they don't want the normies to know!

2 years ago

Beware. . .you are NOT supposed to know this information!

From this facebook frames thread here which made them look for a reason to suspend me yet again. I was suspended over vetted and verified information from a government agency.

Check out full thread here with evidence of the following,
See someone who pushed through a major Hunter Biden deal for his firm connected to Bank of China.
Someone who worked at Bear Stearns, where #Epstein worked and had a role in the Enforcement Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Was a Vice President and Assistant General Counsel at J.P. Morgan where she primarily supported the securities clearing business acquired from Bear Stearns.

See how a certain virus that affects Perception called the Epstein-Barr Virus also has an Alice in Wonderland syndrome. . .when here it was Bill Barr. . .YES that #BillBar, whose dad was headmaster at the Dalton school where Epstein worked before going to Bear Stearns.

The Virus is medical virus so how eerie and uncanny is that?

See more here in this thread with full links, evidence and verification.

Not a bedtime story for children, but adults should listen Very Carefully!
Once upon a time there was a vice president.
Who had a son named Hunter
Who had a friend named Archer. [Sentenced in 2.2022 for scheme to defraud a Native American tribe of some $60 million in bonds. ]
Together the Hunter and Archer were friends with Chris Heinz [a stepson to John Kerry].
These three men started a firm called Rosemont Seneca and to the world help they claimed to carry.
Deals were had and deals were made.
Daddy's were quick to throw out some shade if anyone dared question their charade!
See evidence of an Epstein-Barr Virus which has an #AliceInWonderland syndrome component.
Yes, it is a documented Medical virus with a perception issue!

#EpsteinBarrVirus, #WilliamBar, #BillBar, #DonaldBar, #BearStearns, #EpsteinDidntKillHimself, #HunterBiden, #DevonArcher, #RosemontSeneca, #BohaiHarvest, #BHR, #JamesWhiteyBulger, #WinterHillGang,#HennegiesAuto, #AVIC


Written 3 years ago and STILL trying to get the word out!



Guess who visited? Also hear what was happening under New York in WW II times! https://steemit.com/electromagnetism/@artistiquejewels/the-body-electric-electromagnetism-and-the-foundation-of-life-hear-about-life-saving-techniques-and-what-was-happening-in-world

See a connecting video here that is under 7min. with fully sourced connections,
Gina Haspel/The Biden Corruption Timeline/Evidenced Crimes/Leads to Epstein/Seth Rich was his name!


From a few years ago as this is one that was removed from why YT channel though Verified along with my entire channel being pulled down.

Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz Their brokered deals with Burisma, Bank of China, and an aviation Co Deal


Durham investigation and Hunter Biden's investment partnership in China connection


See the fully sourced Facebook Frames thread for more sources and other #Connections like this,

Featured in this vid report,
The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car) (Video) #TheFra, #WaitingOnACUE, #OverMyHead


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