Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception...8 December 2022 AD...

2 years ago

Video publication published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Holy Day of Obligation in the Universal Roman Catholic Church..8 December 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception...8 December 2022 AD...the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, declared by the Pope Pius IX of blessed memory on 8th December 1854 AD established the revealed truth that it was God's will and Divine gift to Our Blessed Mother the Blessed Virgin Maria, to be immaculately conceived in Her mother's womb without the stain of the Original Sin of Adam, thus miraculously preserved by God and by His infinite almighty power of His supernatural grace from the same, so that this same Divinely chosen Maria could become Mother of God Himself, Mother of the Truth incarnate, Christ Our Lord, for the redemption of the human race from the slavery of Satan, from sin and its enslaving yoke imposed upon the mankind by the devil...and so today the Holy Mother Church, the true Roman Catholic Church Divine Institution celebrates this great Feast as the Holy Day of Obligation for all true Catholics to honor and adore God in its observance, so that the greatness of the Divine wisdom and mercy towards men can be properly honored and God adored therein...and that His enemies the worldwide widespread heretics and infidels could be ashamed of them being blind to it and thus ungrateful to it, which means to Christ Our Lord and Divine Redeemer, but His true Catholic Church honors and adores God today, through His immaculate Mother, the Blessed Virgin Maria, as the Church has always done and will always continue to do...


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