The Emperor’s New Clothes

2 years ago

There are states where there are herds.  A state is defined by two unique schemes.  The state has ultimate decision making over a territory.  It has the power to tax over that area too.  You can provoke a conflict and tell people what you’ll charge to settle that conflict. What a magnificent position to be in. This is why Bastiat referred to it as the great fiction, and Nietzsche referred to it as the new idol and the coldest of all cold monsters. 

It’s easy to see why someone would want to be in this position.  It’s much more difficult to see why people would accept this as just.  This is an extraordinary position to be in.  They’ll do everything they can to maintain this.  One can’t maintain this position by force alone for the long haul.  Ultimately, this position rests on public opinion.  The herd can only be brought to acceptance if they are issued ideas by authority figures and cliché makers.

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