Secret society that controls the world

2 years ago

Royal Ritual, United Freemason Grand Lodge, Royal Albert Hall, October 2017. Celebrating 300th anniversary.

Freemasons are recruited believing they are entering an organization of good works and deeds, supporting local charities and helping others. At this level they do not realize that they have joined a satanic cult which at its leadership level is the opposite of everything it claims to be.

All prominent or elite people in government, entertainment, education, media, finance, administration, police, judiciary and corporations are Freemasons. As these people work their way up the degrees of Freemasonry via rituals, they gain access to higher, more secretive ranks, such as the Illuminati.

Membership of the Illuminati requires participation in the most abominable rituals including bestiality and coprophagia Satanic ritual abuse of children, pedophilia, pedocannibalism, and the drinking of children's and babies' blood is also common, particularly among the most "elite" members. Hunting parties where the elites hunt and torture naked children in forests are a form of satanic abuse

A lesser-known practice which many in the satanic cult or cabal have adopted, is to worship Baphomet, their dual gender god, by adopting and promoting transgenderism. This is the motivation behind the "gender neutrality" ideology currently being imposed on society and in education as a new form of political correctness. Male elites frequently become "trans" females retaining their male genitalia.

Here are some examples:
Jacinda Ardern:
Michelle Obama:
Brigitte Macron:

The satanic cabal is also a giant crime syndicate, involved in extensive child, organ and drug trafficking. Money is laundered through large charitable foundations. The cabal's demonic activities are hidden from society in thousands of miles of underground tunnel structures These have been bored with nuclear-powered equipment a mile or more under the earth's surface. Many of the tunnels have sophisticated transport networks used for smuggling.

The satanic cabal believes in depopulating the rest of the world using wars and stealth methods, with the aid of the corporations under its control. Its target for a manageable world population is 500 million people. This agenda was engraved on the cabal's Georgia Guidestones, recently destroyed by Donald Trump's Q army alliance using direct energy weapons

Among other institutions, the satanic cabal controls the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the GAVI world vaccine program, and the United Nations.

You can find out more about the cabal at

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