NFL player Henry Anderson, 31, reveals he recently had stroke. Doctors can't determine cause

2 years ago

Professional football player Henry Anderson, who plays for the Carolina Panthers in the NFL, revealed yesterday that he had a blood clot in his brain (ischemic stroke) on October 22, 2022.

He "underwent every test imaginable to determine what caused the stroke", but they all came back negative. "[M]edical experts locally and nationally couldn't determine what caused the stroke."

Anderson says he "got really lucky", because he "avoided anything major".

Anderson's teammate Brian Burns said:

"It was scary to me when we found out he had a stroke because he was so young and he’s an athlete. He is like in top-tier shape. I feel like most of the times when I hear about strokes it is older people or obese people or maybe because of a heat stroke, or something like that."

How strange that young, healthy, fit people are suffering from strokes suddenly. This is, or better, was, exceedingly rare. What changed? What do they have in common?

The NFL published about a year ago:

"94.6% of NFL players are vaccinated; nearly 100% of NFL personnel are vaccinated."

Starting in the 2021-2022 season, the NFL has a rule that if there is a 'COVID' 'outbreak' among UNvaxxed players, all players will lose their game check. However, if a similar outbreak occurs among vaxxed players, they don't lose their game check.

Tennessee Titans quarterback Ryan Tannehill told reporters in July of 2021 when he was in the process of getting fully vaccinated:

"The NFL has made it clear what they want to happen. If you don't fall in line, they're going to try and make your life miserable because of the protocol. I wouldn't have gotten the vaccine without the protocols that they are enforcing on us. I think it's a personal decision for each of us."


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