Relax Far Infrared Sauna Muscle Oxygenation Proof of Concept Study 2022

2 years ago

Study finds increase muscle oxygenation after sauna use:
"whole body muscle oxygenation and kcal expended per minute increased 8.1% and 20.1% from baseline, respectively. At the same time, cardiac output (+10.2%), systemic vascular resistance (-13.9%), and heart rate (+12.6%) significantly changed across the measurements periods compared to baseline. These combined results show that FIR had a measurable positive effects on both cardiovascular function and metabolic thermogenic responses leading to enhanced body oxygenation and regional blood flow to allow whole body thermoregulatory cooling. Not presented in the graphs above was a similar respiratory whole body response showing ventilation increasing 20%, tidal volume increasing 29.6% with a lower respiratory frequency of 13.1%. These data suggest that during the FIR trial intervention, the subject was breathing more deeply and provide an enhance oxygen exchange at lung and pulmonary capillary. Thus, leading to a more efficient breathing and oxygen exchange pattern that would be similar a deeper meditation like breathing response despite the high thermal stress load on the body."

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