The Department of Climate Change admit they can't cost renewable targets - Senate Estimates 28.11.22

2 years ago

Boy oh boy is our energy grid going be in trouble with this lot in charge.
If only bureaucratic spin could be converted into electricity we would become the energy powerhouse of the world.

Key points from this line of questioning are:

1) Energy department doesn’t have costings on storage.

2) Nine times more renewable energy that what exists today is needed to meet 2030 targets.

3) The minister can’t understand why I would want costings.

4) It’s impossible to say what costings will be because of counterfactuals. When asked what a counterfactual is the bureaucrat couldn’t answer.

5) 447 gigawatts of storage is required but there is scant detail on what sort of storage that will be. A household battery can store around 10 - 15 kilowatts so that works out at about 44 million batteries - this will reduce as more gas and hydro is used. But even if only 25% of that figure was stored in batteries that’s still a lot of batteries.

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