#077 Feminism, Red Pill, Andrew Tate and The Man-O-Sphere, How Did Culture Get Here? FurtherEveryDay

1 year ago

First off, it’s important to note what brought the Red Pill movement and the so-called Mano-verse into existence: Feminism. Not Egalitarianism, but Feminism. And even that isn’t fair, Feminism can only thrive when the Church is not a clear alternative.

This was perhaps best changed by Cassie Jaye’s documentary named Red Pilled. Cassie Jaye started her expose on the MRA movement from the standpoint of a frustrated feminist, purposed to destroy the “misogynist” and “resentful” MRA movement. Her interviews and research actually led to a change of view on her part. MRAs were mostly divorced men who had mostly accurate critiques of the modern institution of divorce and the collapse of marriage. However, Christ said something very meaningful about demon possession, and I believe that it applies here: If you do not replace bad ideology with good theology, the state of the culture is worse than the first state, as we will see.Men Going Their Own Way, is a simple enough movement. Hypergamy, Lust for Money, and Shallowness define the modern woman in the eyes of the MGTOW. Therefore, these men have given up on personal interaction with women. The physical needs for female companionship are simply replaced with stoic celibacy, homosexuality, and/or pornography. This is bitterness as pure and clear as the angry raging blue hair feminist protesting in an pro-abortion rally. These men have completely rejected God’s command to be fruitful and multiply. TThe answer is not to abstain from marriage, but to rather find a Proverbs 31 woman, instead of a Proverbs 9 woman. In Proverbs 31, we see the woman that the modern feminist yearns to be, in Proverbs 9, however, we see an accurate description of what the modern feminist has become. Search out Godly women, and perhaps your views of women may change.Finally, what is the Man-O-Verse? From the seeds sown by the MRA and MGTOW movements, have sprouted fertile marks for men like the infamous Andrew Tate. Andrew Tate is the most ubiquitous name on the internet now. He is loved/hated for his hot takes. The man has made millions off of young men, and some old men too, who have been taken captive by the Red Pill idea. Most of what the Red Pill movement has to offer is based in truth, that’s what makes it so easy to twist into a money making scheme. Most of what Tate says is true, but you have to evaluate actions as well as words. Tate speaks about hard work, being a manly man and bringing home the bacon so that his girl can enjoy a good life. None of these things are inherently bad, they even ring true. Unfortunately, the Church has developed a rather effeminate view of manhood in recent years and this has also painted Christ Himself in an effeminate light. Christ was meek. Meek, and yet also willing to whip the money changers out of the temple. Christ did not allow himself to be stoned by the angry mob either. Christ stood firm, yet fulfilled His purpose with duty and stoic competence. The Church would do well to not cede masculinity to the world as a thing of bygone eras. Otherwise, grifters can take on the trappings of masculinity and appear to have something to offer that the Church does not. Just a note, this doesn’t mean act like Tate as far as the vulgar, base, and animalistic tendencies are concerned. Christ was kind to the many women in His life and was the reason the West began to see a shift in the treatment of the fairer sex. One can be strong, masculine, and protect those placed within their care without appearing either weak or brutish. Just a note..Tate is an online guru who may or may not have committed domestic violence against his girlfriends over the year in multiple instances (one of the videos was later released in its entirety, and the two were both joking about her wanting to be hit harder, and not in a sarcastic way. It’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not concerning the abuse allegations.) However, abuse or not, Tate has employed classic pimp tactics to traffic his girlfriends online and wrote an online course on how to duplicate his success pimping his paramores on web cameras. This is not masculinity, this is purely selfish promotion. So what is the take away? The Church has the response to Feminism, and the MRA/MGTOW/Man-O-Verse delimas. The Biblical view of marriage and the differences between men and women need to be on display, more than ever before.
https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/Intellectual_Life/Stevenson_ParadoxDecliningFemaleHappiness_Dec08.pdfhttps://ifstudies.org/blog/counterintuitive-trends-in-the-link-between-premarital-sex-and-marital-stability https://www.profgalloway.com/divorhttps://sites.utexas.edu/contemporaryfamilies/2018/10/08/premaritalcohabitation/ce/https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/a-woman-needs-a-man-like-a-fish-needs-a-bicycle.html

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