@Archaix138 Father and Brother Found (Robert R. Marshall † , Master Numeronomist)

2 years ago

Brother: Tesla’s 3-6-9 and Vortex Math: Is this really the key to the universe? https://youtu.be/6ZrO90AI0c8.
More @ "2520: The Auric Key"
The Meaning of the Monas Hieroglyphica with regards to Number

"Your cyclic synchrographing work clarifies and simplifies this whole matter to an epochal degree. At any rate, your work fills me with joy. Would you be willing to have me publish this work in another edition of SYNERGETICS with full credit to you?" --Buckminster Fuller to Bob Marshall, 1981
#Archaix #Palindromes #Ancient #Metrology #Number #Dynamics #BuckminsterFuller #JohnDee #2520

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