Alan Watts Describes The Future

2 years ago

Tech is a projection of consciousness. Consciousness can organically do what external tech can do; it's the parent/creator of it. The external world is a reflection of the internal world that we hold to be true within (believing is seeing). When we wake up, we shift our focus from outside victim to inside creator, to evolve/awaken into a new exploration of reality and take more conscious control over our experience and evolution by expanding what we hold to be true and possible.

We break free from the old fear paradigm (3D dark ages), where we are a victim to the outside world, living in survival mentality, to expand our awareness and frequency of consciousness to become co-creators on a much bigger and multidimensional scale of reality, sovereign in our ability to navigate timelines more consciously (animated reality is a flip-book of timelines at variable frequencies, reflective of our individual frequency of consciousness).

This expanded consciousness awakens our psychic abilities to consciously tune into other frequencies of consciousness and reality/timelines.

Some of us are ready to wake up and go within (organic reality - letting go of the old/safe path for the unknown) and some are becoming immersed in the external world of tech (drone reality, slave mentality), out of fear, to become the transhumanistic Greys whom have come back in time to this parallel timeline to help us see a bigger picture so we can choose a different timeline in our evolution.

This help was offered in exchange for our DNA, which was used to create a hybrid race, because the Greys ran into genetic problems from too much biotech integration. That project is complete now and the divergence of consciousness is well underway. We will become aware of their/our hybrid children more and more now.

A message from the Greys:

I've heard this message from other contactees about the Greys being the future version of humanity (for those that choose their path). It was given in the Communion abduction story too.

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