Introduction Video CTA

2 years ago

Let's say that I wanted to do my website and that an intro video. I know that you mentioned something about a call to action, but usually in that first video, for people to know me, what just suggest I do in that video?

I don't have a call to action in my intro video. Because the whole point of that video is for people to feel comfortable enough to either call or inquire,
via email, however, they want to do it, with website design. Let me dovetail on that, Dotty because that was a great question. The intro video is on the website, and your call to action is on the website itself. So it's about here, who I am, here's who I serve. Get to know me personally with that personality coming through with her story like she talked about. Then the Call To Action is on the website which gives you the flexibility to change the call to action
but not have to change the video. Plus, if you don't put the call to action in the video or you don't reference something on your website saying click this button or something like that, you can then use that same intro video
for your YouTube introduction video if you have a YouTube account. Or anywhere else, online. Yeah. Right? Yep. You can easily repurpose that video
in more places if you don't do that. Great. Okay. So then, like, introduce myself what I do and who I serve.

Yes. Okay.

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