Som ET - 12 - The Last of Its Kind - Video 2

2 years ago


Animals / Extinct

Quagga - 1883
Tarpan - 1909
Passenger pigeon - 1914
Carolina parakeet - 1918
Barbary lion - 1925
Bubal hartebeest - 1925
Syrian wild ass - 1928
Heath hen - 1932
Desert rat-kangaroo - 1935
Thylacine - 1936
Bali tiger - 1937
Rucervus schomburgki - 1938
Toolache wallaby - 1939
Laysan rail - 1944
Caribbean monk seal - 1952
Caspian tiger - 1970
Javan tiger - 1970


Pig-footed bandicoot - 1901
Rocky Mountain locust - 1902
Honshu wolf - 1905
Tarpan - 1909
Usambara annone (tree) - 1910
Newfoundland wolf - 1911
Passenger pigeon - 1914
Carolina parakeet - 1918
California grizzly bear - 1924
Kenai Peninsula wolf - 1925
Darwin's rice rat - 1930
Heath hen - 1932
Cry pansy (plant) - 1933
Indefatigable Galapagos mouse - 1934
Desert rat-kangaroo - 1935
Mogollon mountain wolf, Southern Rocky Mountains wolf - 1935
Radula visiniaca (a species of liverwort) - 1938
Toolache wallaby - 1939
Cascade mountain wolf - 1940
Texas wolf - 1942
Caribbean monk seal - 1952
Bernard's wolf - 1952
Crescent nail-tail wallaby - 1956
Red-bellied gracile opossum - 1962
Turgid-blossom pearly mussel - 1965
Arabian ostrich - 1966
Mexican grizzly bear - 1969
Mason River myrtle (plant) - 1972
Japanese sea lion - 1974
Green-blossom pearlymussel - 1981
Platypus frog - 1985
Golden toad, Atitlán grebe - 1989
Dusky seaside sparrow - 1990
Saint Croix racer, Levuana moth - 1994
Hainan ormosia (a species of legume) - 1997
Pyrenean ibex - 2000
Baiji dolphin - 2006
Liverpool pigeon - 2008
Alaotra grebe - 2010
Eastern cougar - 2011
Western black rhinoceros - 2011
Japanese river otter, Pinta Island tortoise - 2012
Cape Verde giant skink, Formosan clouded leopard, Scioto madtom - 2013
Acalypha wilderi (a species of spurge), Bermuda saw-whet owl - 2014

This footage is of Australian origin and is now in the public domain because the term of copyright has expired according to the Australian Copyright Council (ACC), ACC Information Sheet G023v16 (Duration of copyright) (Feb 2012).

#animals #extinct #extinction #species #nature #animal #thylacine #guitar #solo #fender #suhr #studio #rock #blues #newage

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