Tau IX Treaty /x/ Thread

2 years ago

Do you think the Government made a Good Deal with the Aliens?
||||||||||.................... 31% ⭐ Worst Deal Ever https://yt.strms.net/_coVM
||||||||...................... 25% ⭐ Only benefitted the Government https://yt.strms.net/0WJ9K
||||||........................ 19% ⭐ We were Sold Out! https://yt.strms.net/wfzCc
||||||||...................... 25% ⭐ For the betterment of Mankind https://yt.strms.net/5oi8m
Anon wants to know what kind of deals did out Government make with Aliens. #aliens #4chan #alienabduction #paranormal #greentext #eisenhower #government #meninblack #BillCooper #space #spacex Shoutouts to @Derrick Porter @TheDudeAbideth1969 for Subscribing.||||||||||||||| 59% |||............ 591/1K

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