Troubled Times straighten the relationship between people and God

1 year ago

Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned, for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice".
1 Samuel 15:24

"You can think of Satan as God's tool in a way, a means of finding out whether your gratitude is real or not. I will never tell you to just be thankful to God and let me take care of Satan for you. Instead I will push you out into the corrupt and evil world. If you are really thankful then my mandate to you is to go liberate the world and come back. You will pass the test by remaining loyal, steadfast and thankful under any circumstances or experience. If you can do that then Satan has no power over you and eventually he must issue you a certificate saying that indeed you are a child of God. As an archangel, Satan must be the one to testify to God whether or not you are God's child".
Sun Myung Moon, Core of Unification, October 9, 1977

The promotion of transgenderism in the USA is a revival of ancient religions. Even children were sold into sexual slavery. As discussed in the Our Father Forsaken book (pp 111-112), a German anthropologist found the receipt of a man who sold his 10-year-old daughter to the temple to serve as a harimtu prostitute 3300 years ago.

See Richard Panzer Newsletter

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