What's Happening in Colorado Is SICK & Unconstitutional

1 year ago

The ACLJ has dispatched a team of lawyers to Colorado to fight back against a classic case of viewpoint discrimination.
ACLJ attorneys were recently contacted by a pro-life pregnancy center organization that says some of its members were asked to testify before a city council executive committee regarding a zoning ordinance regarding a newly proposed city ordinance and a new late-term abortion clinic in the town of Pueblo, CO.
The monster behind the clinic is LeRoy Carhart, who is known for performing late-term and partial-birth abortions (before the Supreme Court upheld the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban). Carhart chose to open the new clinic, in the state of Colorado because there are no abortion restrictions at any stage of gestation.
We’ve told you about him before. In October, we reported that Carhart had set up a GoFundMe account to help fund the Colorado clinic. As you can see, he hasn’t received one donation.
Then, yesterday, the day before the city council meeting, the invitation for pro-life witnesses to speak was rescinded, but abortion activists will still be heard. ACLJ Senior Counsel Cece Heil says this is the perfect example of abortion distortion.
"Here you have a regulation that is a pro-life regulation, trying to regulate abortion, the practice of abortion, killing babies, and basically in the middle of the night last night . . . after they had already invited the pro-life side to have their time to speak . . . they canceled them, but they don’t cancel the pro-abortion speakers. So it’s very apparent that abortion distortion is alive and well, and we see it even in city council votes and members and hearings."
As ACLJ Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow explains:
"Understand what happened here. This all took place in the last 12 hours, and that’s how fast our team was able to mobilize . . . the idea that you’re going to hear one side of the debate is outrageous . . . "
I think that someone on the radical Left was trying to catch the witnesses on the side of life off guard so that they wouldn’t have time to rectify the situation, hoping no one would notice. But they will never catch the American Center for Law and Justice off guard. We are always ready. Whenever something like this comes up, we quickly figure out who the closest attorney is to the situation, and we deploy them.
We were negotiating with the city council today while on air during our radio show. You can expect an update tomorrow.
Today’s full Sekulow broadcast also includes a discussion with ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell about an attempted coup in Germany, the recent firing of a highly controversial Twitter employee, and election results in Georgia.

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