Debbie Vervoort - We've opened our eyes - Story of Yvon Booter

2 years ago

Eye: Yvon Booter
We've opened our eyes
Oil on wood

Story of Yvon:

"March 10, 2020
I had a breast mammogram for the first time. It was 1 day before my 50th birthday on March 11th.
The following Monday I received a call from my doctor that it was not right and that further investigation was necessary.
I immediately flew into my reptilian brain and adrenaline rose to unprecedented heights, the lockdown the next day came as a blessing to me.

I was so scared because breast cancer is a real chance to die and the state I was in then made me see the so-called corona hoax as a great danger.
I sat in that state of utter fear for 6 weeks before I received the redeeming answer that no cancer cells had been found after further investigation.

The adrenaline dropped and I came back to earth with both feet and my sanity started to increase by the minute.
I put everything together and immediately thought, stop, what they say is not true. Thus began my search for the truth and my sharing of my findings, but that was not enough for me!
I only thought about my children and future grandchildren, they should not grow up like this.

I joined the independent press in the Netherlands in November 2020 and became a moderator of Facebook and Telegram, which I am still working on.

Every day I scour the internet for the latest articles and try to put all the pieces of the puzzle in place.
I hope that I have created a little awareness in this way because we must all do it together in peace and in harmony with nature and on the way to a better world in which we are all equal."


I am still looking for more eyes to paint, so are you interested in participating 👇🏼

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