The way this thing works is they don't want us to think.

2 years ago

We know there was an inquisition.
And this inquisition went on for 4 or 500 years in Europe.
The purpose of the inquisition was to alter the perceptional reality of the descendants of the tribes of Europe.
To make them believe and see reality the way the church wanted them to believe and see reality.

I mean this is the purpose of techno-logic civilization. They call it techno-logic for a very specific reason. This isn’t an accident, okay? You know, it truly isn’t. But the purpose of the civiliz[ation] – and so one of the civilizing processes is to erase memories. Alright?,

You look at how techno-logic civilization – and everywhere that it goes, the longer it’s there, the more isolated the human beings – but they’re not called human beings, they’re workers and citizens, etc., alright? Alright? -John Trudell

Thought over

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