Five PS1 Games Worth Playing -Part 4- | Retro Gaming |

2 years ago

I originally Uploaded this video in 2015, and I almost instantly regretted posting it. At the time I was working full time, and didn't have a lot of time, and I also had the mindset that I wanted to show more of the gameplay in the video, so I spaced out the voiced over segments to the point that they were almost fragmented in nature. Again, I was feeling rushed, and I wanted to show more gameplay, because I've always been more of a show-me, don't-tell-me type.

I remember one comment on the video where someone tore into my voice over, and I lost it, threw my headset and broke it. I felt like an abysmal failure, “Why am I wasting my time. I'm the worst video creator ever. I really do suck at this.”

As time went by, I couldn't even watch this video in it's original form. I've just ignored it's existence for 7 years. It just served as a confirmation of how bad at making videos I thought I was. I am my biggest critic.

Turns out, however, the video wasn't a complete loss, it just needed some fixing. For this footage, I ran it through Handbrake, and cut all the pauses between sentences to make it flow a lot better. It does make the footage a little choppier to watch, but it flows better now. I can actually watch the video now without feeling embarrassed by it.

It took me 20 hours to edit this down, but that was mostly because my editing software sucks, and bogs down if I make too many cuts to a video. By the end, I would make a cut, and I'd have to wait 30 seconds to a minute for it to register. Plus crashing, and constantly having to restart the software, and my computer.

If you want to see how slow I was to speak in the original video for comparison Go Here:

#PS1 #Worthplaying #commandandconquer

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