⚔️FAMILIES & Fighters 4 FREEDOM! Divine Advice & BOMBSHELL⚡️INTEL of ANTIFA’s Plans to HARM KIDS

2 years ago

*WWG1WGA - This is a REPOST from our Nov 7th Recording As a Video Encoding Error is now Corrected*
In this episode we’re joined by a mother of TWO sons in two separate, TIER 1 US Military units, plus the wife of a retired Colonel whom served is country in command of one of the Elite SpecOp units ever seen, along with a father whose 3 grown sons served their country, and finally a former Deputy Sheriff — now a mother of two children — whom while wearing the badge, worked the BLM riots in Los Angeles.

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— Disclaimer —
These are opinions of completely Sovereign Souls who proudly send out love to our brothers and sisters across the Universe. Those on the side of God and Light, who stand as an Amassing, ‘Shall Not Be InFringed’ Majority 🙌 This show is for Entertainment purposes only. You watch, listen, and laugh at your own risk.

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