L'Ivermectina come la vigile attesa?

1 year ago

In questo video commento brevemente una notizia dagli Stati Uniti, dove alcuni medici hanno fatto causa alla FDA per avergli impedito di agire in scienza e coscienza prescrivendo off-lable l'ivermectina per curare il COVID-19. Riporto qui sotto un articolo di riferimento e alcuni brani chiave:

Katie Spence, “FDA Trying to Rewrite COVID History on Prohibiting Ivermectin, Dr. Atlas Says”, The Epoch Times, November 28, 2022 Updated: November 29, 2022, https://www.theepochtimes.com/expert-confirms-fda-trying-to-rewrite-covid-history-on-prohibiting-ivermectin_4886032.html?utm_source=newsnoe&src_src=newsnoe&utm_campaign=breaking-2022-11-29-one&src_cmp=breaking-2022-11-29-one&utm_medium=email&est=UY9aGzBb9v1MLNGsxOPlrQUvMRpWzJgrbtIw8mRGJwf1%2BqGNLPGEyl559Q%2FHAtfJcALI

“Scott Atlas, a senior fellow in health care policy at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, confirmed that the FDA did, indeed, take an “unprecedented” approach against ivermectin and said that their defense amounts to the FDA trying to rewrite COVID-19 history”
“Atlas then alleged that the FDA didn’t just forbid ivermectin. Instead, its language was such that pharmacists and pharmacies refused to fill prescriptions from doctors. Such a stance was “really unprecedented,” Atlas said.”

“Circling back to ivermectin, Atlas said the FDA’s prohibiting its off-label use to treat COVID-19 was “one of the bigger failures of the [National Institutes of Health (NIH)].”

“The NIH could have done definitive clinical trials in the Spring of 2020. Instead, they blocked those trials; they made people afraid of those drugs, so that even when trials were attempted, patients were not willing to enter into those trials,” he said.

Atlas then stated unequivocally that the position taken by the NIH and the FDA was an unethical abuse of public health.”

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