Suffering from persistent irritability or chronic stress?

2 years ago

Suffering from persistent irritability or chronic stress? Stay tuned for simple strategies to break the cycle.
1) Go outside, to the park, the beach your backyard. It's up to you. Live in the city, and make it a project to find two of the closest parks to you.
2) Call a friend, a long lost cousin; they often were our closest friends as youngsters, and you can still be there for each other
3) Go outside and lie in the sun? Wintertime in your area, no beach plans? Take your vitamin D daily with magnesium, Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin. do your research
4) Make a list of the things you have accomplished this year. We fail to overestimate what we can do in a short time and underestimate what we can do in 1-3 to 5 years.
5) Move your body, walk, do sit-ups and pushups, and take a yoga class. with so much online, there is no excuse;do the 30-day challenge; 10 sets of pushups, 10 sets of sit-ups and 10 sets of squats, 3Xs a day
6) Make a healthy meal on Sunday for Monday night. It's so satisfying to have a meal planned and ready to go Monday evening. Don't love to cook; cheat and pick up something at Trader Joe's or Whole Foods.
7) Personal favorite, Dance!! Make the windows shake if you live in a house, not an attached dwelling.
8) Plan a trip; let your imagination run wild. even if you don't take a cruise around the world, have a virtual trip and do something soon in your budget. We call traveling a muscle; the goal is to be excited about traveling and have zero anxiety.
9) Take a random class; painting, muscle instrument, singing? I did this recently, and it was tons of fun; Saturday singing in a beautiful studio equalizes residual stress from the week.
10) Bake a batch of cookies or cake for the neighbors.
11) sneak away and watch a movie in the middle of the day. Ah, the thrill of playing hooky. Less talking during the day.
12) take a nap or, better yet, meditate for 15 minutes. 15 minutes of mediation acts as a powerful recharging. And, it's been proven people who take names in the afternoon are healthier.
13) Watch a favorite movie, one that always lifts your spirits.
14) track down someone from your past you lost touch with; who influenced who you are today.

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