The PROMIS Affair with Robert Maxwell, Rafi Eitan & Ari Ben-Menashe

1 year ago

The story that journalist Danny Casolaro was pursuing before he was "suicided" (August 10th 1991). Danny called it "The Octopus" and some refer to it as "The Enterprise" and this is the tentacle about the PROMIS software theft and how Israel got a backdoor into everyone's Intelligence Agencies. The story of these well known Mossad spymasters: Robert Maxwell, Rafi Eitan, & Ari Ben-Menashe.

This is just a 25 minute excerpt (1:14:26 to 1:38:12 excerpt) from the video called "Our Greatest Ally: Tales of Blackmail, Bribery, & Espionage"

My Notes:
The Danny Casolaro case with the backdoor software called PROMIS (Prosecutors Management Information System) and all the murder cases (50) involved in that scandal. An ex NSA employee William Hamilton started a company called INSLAW inc with his wife and invented the PROMIS software and sold it to the US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT. A MOSSAD top spy RAFI EITAN heard of the Software and with a fake Israeli passport pretending he was an Israeli prosector went to the USA and met with William Hamilton to learn about this PROMIS software and afterwards he met a contact of his at the US Dept of Justice and asked if he could get his own copy where he brought it back to Israel for the top MOSSAD agents to discuss how they would install a BACKDOOR into this PROMIS software.

Ari Ben-Menashe (Former Israeli intelligence agent) then hired a computer genius named Michael Riconosciuto from California to install a backdoor program to the PROMIS software in the early 1980's. MOSSAD tried out this backdoor software against their neighbor the Jordanian Intelligence and it did work. Afterwards they decided Robert Maxwell would be the right person to sell this PROMIS software to other countries and Robert Maxwell saw it as a great way to make money. Israel helped bring down the USSR with this backdoor software. Robert Maxwell even sold it to the US Nuclear facilities in Los Alamos with the use of Senator Jack Tower (his accomplice/US Traitor).

Michael Riconosciuto later said that the same people involved in PROMIS were involved in the IRAN CONTRA AFFAIR, Nicaragua & Central America activities, and operations in the Middle East. The US Justice Dept officials issued threats to Michael to not speak about about this but he did anyhow and they later threw him in jail on trumped up charges of running a meth lab. There has been 50 murders directly linked to this PROMIS software scandal. The founder of INSLAW inc & created of the software PROMIS William Hamilton said it was the Israeli MOSSAD that stole his software.

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