How to successfully attack the United States

2 years ago

This is my Siri, and in my opinion, heavily weighted in reality on the current state of affairs in the United States, and what I would declare as a state of emergency that we all need to be aware of, and respond to accordingly. I am not trying to cause panic but I am sounding an alarm.

It’s not too late

#USA #UnitedStates #America #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #USAttacked #UnitedStatesAttacked #AttackUnitedStates #TheUnitedStatesHasBeenAttacked #PayAttention #WakeUp #ActNow #Respond #Don’tTreadOnMe #Together #TogetherStrong #MeltingPot #EqualityTogether #EquityTogether #Together #ILoveYou #Love #Family #Friends #Citizens #Patriots #Servicemen #ServiceWomen #WeThePeople #It’sNotTooLate

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