Ja Klair - Saturate [Lyric Video]

2 years ago

she ay beuty
i wont trip for her; there too many like her

if i do it; i make it kewl
im the one; im the one; how they become the one

ninjas tryna tes
if i guilt trip; I wont make it past 26

Make love craft to ay woo than what

who wanna fuck with me
making it bigger than it really is; what ay bore
exaggeration; such is life; who available

i jus wanna die; suicide; TNT in the dome
waiting for the day euathansia easily accessible

how woke were thy last year; code in the tone; is thy worthy of my audio

fudge giving socials
fudge gettin closer;

who the mos vulnerable

i gotta recor ; if its stupid; what evs
being indiffernt to long; lame

i dont need ay girlfriend; i need purpose

total concentration breathing keep me on track

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