Josh Hawley: It's an incredible picture of collusion

2 years ago

Josh Hawley: "Well, what we learned that there's collusion at the highest levels of government and big tech.We learned that the disinformation board was up and running as early as the first part of this year.They were meeting weekly.That's not, by the way, what Alexandra Alejandro Mayorca said, by the way.He said that, oh, no, the board never met. Not true.They were meeting on a weekly basis.They were giving instructions to other components of the US.Government, and they were meeting with big tech.They wanted to meet with twitter.They reached out to facebook.And liberal dark money groups were also in on the act, as it turns out, giving the board ideas, instructions about how to shape policy.

So here's the bottom line, Tucker.You've got a powerful arm of the United States government trying to tell big tech who to censor, what to do.You've got liberal dark money groups who are also pulling the strings.It's an incredible picture of collusion."

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