Your race, skin color & religion determines everything

2 years ago

Your race, skin color & religion determines whether you stand in the front or back, get help or to die. When I return from Canada to US in the 80s AngloSaxon need to show a US driver license, for a yellow skin Chinese like me required to show US passport. 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act is alive and well in US 你的種族、膚色和宗教信仰決定了你是站在前面還是後面,得到幫助還是死去。 80年代我從加拿大回到美國時,西人祇需要出示美國駕照,像我這樣的黃皮膚中國人需要出示美國護照. 1882 年的排華法案在美國今天仍然有效

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