Jordan Wortham discusses the fall 2022 County Commission race

2 years ago

Outline of Allegations by Jordan from the video
- Board of Elections Contacted Jordan and informed him that he had won. About 8700 to 8600
- Chair person told Jordan he had won two days later
- Three days latter they called him and said that they have 9000 Ballots. If people can post mark two days before, they can vote ten days later
- Twenty days later they conduct a count. Told that counting would take one hours and then we can give you the certification that you have won.
- At nine o'clock that start, take a recess and turn off the camera and will come back at one PM.
- Indicated that they will be going down into the basement to count
- Did not return until two o'clock
- Told then that "it is certified"
- Was contacted by the board the night before and was told that they were counting ballots. Early was told that they were not going to be counting ballots but would be pressing them in a machine and then three days later count them through a system. Then was told that this past weekend they had been counting.
- During the counting there was one republican and two democrats. Jordan said that the republican representative was frustrated
Adjudication of ballots
- New ballots were created (called a re-make) from ballots that could not be read properly by the equipment. Examples of voter intent included:
- Put an X , a circle or two dots over the circle instead of filling in the circle
- Conducted when there were two democrats and one republican
- When Jordan questioned this, he was told that the other republican would come in tomorrow morning
- Created hundreds of these "remakes"
- In Ohio the Board of Election is allowed to interpret what the voter means by a cast of votes
- Jordan observed that among absentee ballots, Rice was getting 50 percent more votes. Among the "add-on" ballots, Rice was getting 200 percent more votes
- Reported that on election night it was reported that one of the board members said "holy shit, What the hell just happened? We just F'ed up some where, Jordan is going to win"
- Have learned that going through this, a lot of board of elections are controlled by democrats as the force behind it and as a Republican you need to win by great margins margins. Because if you win by a small margin like I won....
- Plans to run again and next time will crush his opponent

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