It is simpler than you think

2 years ago

What connects everything?

I can't guess if 'Ye' is trying to expose something, or on the other hand push something evil, but only the sleeping will be buying deception of "The New Age" santa cr@p. Kundelini and other kinds of satanism. This, the Israel/Hiltler amalgamation, one world "religion" under baal or santa, and peedoh SRA scum behind the curtains.

Either way it is being exposed. I suppose some people are going to buy into it. They will just get what is coming (from it).

How's it simple?? - Jesuits and Nazti same thing. Star of David and Swartz Sticker are the same thing. Ye is either Exposing it, or is a part of it and aiming to push it up a hill to (die on).

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