Public Speaking Tips: How To Practice Public Speaking By Yourself At Home: Tip #4

2 years ago

Public Speaking Tips: How To Practice Public Speaking By Yourself At Home: Tip #4

#PublicSpeakingTips #PublicSpeakingPractice #ShayoliHope

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Public Speaking Tips: How To Practice Public Speaking By Yourself At Home: Tip #4 is to Share Your Best Videos on Social Media!

You are building up a pretty good collection of videos now that you are following my tips for public speaking practice at home. What are you going to do with them?

Post them!

They are CONTENT!! WOOT!

When you go through your recorded videos telling the stories you have been collecting, each week choose your best video and post it on all of your social media. Add a call to action at the end, which can just be a line or two of text added to the end.

Give the people watching your video something to do if want to know more, or if they want to follow you.

When you are posting, make sure to research your topic's best hashtags (for Tik Tok and Instagram) and keywords (for YouTube) so that people will find your content when they search for your particular topic.

Public Speaking requires you to grow your presence on social media, and your influence online and in person. Using these videos you have already made is a great way to recycle your content.


0:00 Welcome
1:38 Tip #4 BONUS
2:00 Post Your Best Recordings
3:29 Research your Hashtags
4:20 Facebook Reels
4:36 YouTube Keywords
5:16 Add a Call to Action

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