新聞美語 每日一字 Fair and square

2 years ago

12月4日Daily News的一則新聞稿中寫道:
In the November election, Republican Lester Chang defeated Brooklyn Democratic Assemblyman Peter Abbate - who for 36 years has represented Bensonhurst - and he did it fair and square.
在11月的大選中,共和黨人Lester Chang擊敗了布魯克林代表Bensonhurst已經36年的民主黨議員Peter Abbate,他贏的光明正大。

"Fair and square"這個片語的意解就是"公平公正"。
In an honest and fair manner; Honestly and straightforwardly.

"Fair and square"強調一切都是合法正當、光明正大的。Square源自法語單詞esquarre,意思是誠實或直截了當。

"Fair and square"的例句:
We won the match fair and square.
He wished to show that he acted fair and square by his commanding officer.

"Fair and square"的同義字有:
honestly、fairly、without cheating、without foul play、by the book…

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