Multiple Robbers Shot Attempting To Rob Concealed Carry Holder In Chicago

2 years ago

Chicago Defensive Gun Use

Want to know the best way to stop criminals from trying to rob people?

Watch this video of this armed 56-year-old concealed carry permit holder who shot and wounded two younger robbers!

This is the best way to stop criminals from robbing people because criminals only fear their potential victims being armed.

They're not scared of silly gun control laws, and they're not afraid of cops; if they were, they wouldn't be criminals.

According to research completed by the U.S. Department of Justice, Private Gun ownership influences the behavior of criminals. The study found that 56% of the criminals interviewed agree that criminals intentionally avoid armed victims.

If criminals know the individual has a weapon, they chose to target a different victim.

What did the gun control laws in Chicago do to help this man?

These were so-called teenagers with guns. Did the Chicago gun laws stop these teenagers from getting the guns they used to try to rob this man?

Where was the gun control lobby to help protect this man since they don't want this 56-year-old citizen to have a concealed carry license to defend himself?

Where is the gun control lobby to even praise him for protecting himself?

They won't even acknowledge him, and the mainstream media won't even recognize the story.

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