NVAX & RUM Down - Selling Puts to Lower Cost Basis | Cash Secured Puts | 2022.12.06 Follow-up

2 years ago

In this weeks follow-up video, we enter our transactions that executed as usual. But one thing to note is how we are selling puts on NVAX and RUM to pull our overall cost basis down, since selling Calls no longer offers any decent amount of weekly premium.

Pulling our cost basis down will enable us to get the strike price down to a level where we can start selling calls for a decent amount of premium once again, as opposed to just sitting on the stock hoping it'll come back up in value. This way we also don't take the chance of selling calls for below our cost basis and risk getting called out and losing money.

Having a tool to closely track our cost basis with and without premium is vital to being able to play this to our advantage.

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