The enemy's ten words. (1 Corinthians 6:9b-7:7) Part 1

1 year ago

All the way through 1 Corinthians Paul is admonishing the people of Corinth. Even the beautiful chapter 13 is a list of everything that Love is that they haven't been, done, or perhaps even tried in the case of the guy sleeping with his step-mom. (See 5:1) So why did Paul go out of his way to list off ten things that are, on their own, deadlier than arsenic and more contagious than the plague. There will be more going into this picking up at verse 12, God willing, on Thursday. (From a different view of it) Because these ten words represent thousands of trials and billions of storms for our brothers and sisters all over the world. And rather than offer a helping hand to the hurting and the lost, we condemn and profess ourselves to be "their" betters. An unforgiving debtor, no matter how you want to call it. Cause if the focus isn't HIM. If the testimony isn't about being one way and now another because of HIM and the want, the longing, the need, for others to be set free too.. is there any change or actual freedom? If not. then Praise be to our Chain-Breaking GOD who points them out and breaks us free from them. (Even if like Peter we need a shot to the ribs) And if so, then let us stand as one accord and voice. One with and in HIM (Yeshua) as HE and The FATHER are One, worthshipping The Sovereign GOD who sets us free and has made us and is making us whole. The GOD who has given us the victory.

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