The War of the Wills

2 years ago

It is possible for human beings to become like the Almighty God—our righteous, perfect Creator! But how? This subject is rarely understood. Learn the truth about the incredible source of spiritual power available to a select few in this end time





The Apostle Paul fought mightily in the war of the wills. He understood that he could not build God’s perfect character using his own human will! Request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet How to Be an Overcomer to discover the secret to becoming just like the great God. Every human has a will. The vast majority of mankind is led by this human will. But there is another will that can enter your life and triumph over your human will! It is a brutal struggle, but it can be done. It is worth any amount of effort.

Study How to Be an Overcomer to understand the awesome depth of the war of the wills. This subject connects to your incredible potential and to God’s master plan for all human beings—past, present and future! Unlock the scientific spiritual formula for combining your will and God’s will. Learn how to will and to do—to not only have the desire, but to actually follow through with action. Realize that all things are possible by God’s Holy Spirit. Be aware of the dangerous threats that lurk, just waiting for humans to lose the war of the wills.

You will also receive a free Bible lesson explaining why you need the Holy Spirit. The Herbert W. Armstrong College Bible Correspondence Course has helped hundreds of thousands of students understand their Bibles and add meaning to their lives. Study Lesson 11 of this free Bible course to learn what the Holy Spirit is, what it does, and how to receive it. Prove that the Holy Spirit fulfills Jesus Christ’s promise to give help and comfort to every true Christian. Understand how to use and replenish your supply of God’s awesome spiritual power.

The Holy Spirit benefits all who possess it. But the value of the Holy Spirit transcends this physical life—it isn’t just about making your life better today. It is a vital part of God’s plan to bring all mankind into His Family! Only a select few have access to God’s Holy Spirit now—for a glorious purpose. You can find where God is working today—where His Holy Spirit flows as rivers of living water. All who truly desire to receive God’s Holy Spirit may drink deeply.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request How to Be an Overcomer and a Bible lesson about the Holy Spirit. Order now!

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