Polyvagal Theory Validates Reintegrative Therapy

2 years ago

Polyvagal theory is the latest major discovery in the treatment of trauma, anxiety, and stress. And as I learned more about it and the autonomic nervous system in general in the Certified Clinical Trauma Professional training by Eric Gentry, I see how the latest research on neuroscience and trauma confirms what we've been teaching and practicing in Reintegrative Therapy, as developed by Joseph Nicolosi Sr. and Jr. In particular, I explain in this video how the self-state model we use in RT maps onto polyvagal theory in exciting ways! This all validates how RT is effective as a treatment for trauma, addictions, and sexuality conflicts rooted in anxiety and shame.

#ReintegrativeTherapy #polyvagaltheory #trauma #addiction #shame #anxiety #Nicolosi #ReparativeTherapy #selfstates

Dan Allender. (1995). The Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse.
Patrick Carnes. (2009). Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction (3rd ed.).
J. Eric Gentry. (Aug. 8, 2022). Certified Clinical Trauma Professional: Two-Day Trauma Competency Conference (Online Course). PESI.
Hu, S.H., Wei, N., Wang, Q.D., Yan, L.Q., Wei, E.Q., Zhang, M.M., Hu, J.B., Huang, M.L., Zhou, W.H., Xu, Y. (Nov. 2008). Patterns of brain activation during visually evoked sexual arousal differ between homosexual and heterosexual men. AJNR Am. J. Neuroradiol., 29(10):1890-6.
Mark Laaser. (2004). Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction (Revised ed.).
Joseph Nicolosi Sr. video on the self-state model (the scenario preceding homosexual enactment): https://youtu.be/YcqKbNHoXms
Safron, A., Barch, B., Bailey, J.M., Gitelman, D.R., Parrish TB, Reber PJ (April 2007). "Neural correlates of sexual arousal in homosexual and heterosexual men". Behavioral Neuroscience,121 (2): 237-48.
Jay Stringer. (2018). Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals our Way to Healing.

Check out the Reintegrative Therapy Association: https://www.reintegrativetherapy.com

For more:
My commentary on the Reintegrative Therapy Association's "Free to Love" documentary: https://youtu.be/Kf-D76FFobk
My presentation on what actually happens in Reintegrative Therapy: https://youtu.be/4gz8NJKML9w
My interview with Carolyn Pela and Joseph Nicolosi Jr. on the groundbreaking Pela & Sutton study of 75 men who did RT: https://youtu.be/y27zkkh3mgc

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