Mormon Stories considers (yeah sure) a "wrongthink" panelist. (Timestamps in Description)

2 years ago

The whole crew together shootin the shit about recent subjects and whatever comes to mind. Main focuses are the Coof, Sam Harris Trump derangement, BYU Volleyball race claim, Mormon Stories being ridiculous again, Youtube Fights, Sam Hyde the new Kaufman, Linguistics and accents.

Intro: The Coof and Laziness.

6:51 Biggest decline: Simpsons, Weezer, NPR or John Larsen?

22:21 Sam Harris’ morality scale is out of balance. Trump Vs Other sinning politicians.

32:54 Consensual sexual transaction, Weinstein.

36:05 Harris says Bin Laden is a better person than Trump.

40:31 Bill Clinton, Lewinsky, Linda Tripp.

44:43 World started yesterday if Trump is the worst ever.

50:49 Sam Settled the Peterson/Harris debate in favor of Peterson. Pragmatic truth trumps empirical.

54:42 John Larsen believes in the Nanny State, sucks at describing opposition’s opinion on abortion.

59:59 BYU Volleyball Race Hoax.

1:03:26 Can you joke with Mormons or Muslims? (Drawing Allah)

1:05:28 Church PR response to BYU racism claim.

1:09:01 Sistas of Zion vs Dan Maclellan “who believes less” betting bracket.

1:11:47 Reluctant Kings.

1:15:19 “Even if false, it RiNgS tRuE!”

1:16:28 Starting John Larsen’s most recent Mormon Stories soapbox episode.

1:19:05 Larsen woke scolds Dehlin.

1:23:02 Larsen gives us glimpses of God’s pronouns.

1:27:35 Why does Carah come back? History of early postmo podcasting as we see it.

1:29:40 Back to Larsen explaining why he knows God’s pronouns.

1:31:26 Controlling anger and She-Hulk neuroticism.

1:37:59 Dark Larsen McPeterson “Women are Life!”

1:40:54 Death is male, men are cannon Fodder, men die women most affected.

1:47:48 Mormon Stories ponders the question, should ever allow a conservative in their presence?

1:50:58 Chris’ dream “debate” Victor Davis Hansen v Larsen.

1:54:15 Larsen claims he wishes smart conservatives were still around. Sure.

1:56:25 Jared on Idaho, the FBI, Ruby Ridge.

1:58:34 Dehlin: “special episode where conservatives meet John Larsen?” Are we conservative?

2:02:47 What imaginary conservative would they dare talk to?

2:04:00 How conservative were we as active members?

2:06::56 Special announcement: New Boosters are signed off on! Pandemic Almost Over!

2:08:38 Back to Mormon Stories puffing their chests about talking to conservatives.

2:11:00 Sam Harris, breaking down vs Building up ideas, which is easier?

2:14:31 Their Calls to speak with opposition are bluffs, kayfabe and bluffs.

2:19:12 There will be blood! Fightin words!

2:24:35 People who used to be clear thinkers but lost it with TDS.

2:26:20 Youtube Fights, Warski, who were the right-wing whackos in the 2014-2018?

2:32:50 Sam Hyde Hilarious Fighting, Hilarious call outs.

2:39:42 Whitest kids you know, what you can’t say on the internet.

2:42:00 We close out the last half hour with one of our long diversions into languages and bad celeb accents. We talk about Chomsky, Sexuality, Brains, Impersonations.

3:12:49 Wrap up, we taunt Mormon Stories’ bluff some more and admit to our internet sins.

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