Latter Day St. George In Retirement 2

2 years ago

Chris, Flip and Jared continue to watch Mormons Stories react to the LDS church recognizing ideological activism has gotten "extra."

Being offended for getting kicked out o f the Club you hated.
4:59 ATC, MLK The New Left Reform Vs Revolution
15:36 Wokeism is a white supremacist movement.
16:41 Whataboutism
19:13 The church cant like MLK
21:20 The ERA The Draft Shlafly
25:29 Activism Abortion Satanism
29:39 unfairness real or imagined. Imagined Dragons if you will. Michael Scott Actisvism. Hoaxes
39:35 Only Activism causes change
40:01 Poker will test your atheism. Punished with Poker for Leaving Mormonism.
43:22 Can the church change on the gay issue? What activism did work?
49:39 The Godmakers
51:39 Activism works sometimes some times it doesn’t. Christ doesn’t, but they really know Christ.
1:00:00 activist stirring all this up is necessary
1:03:00 Critical Race Theory Tenant example. “Nothing has changed only silenced.”
1:04:28 Stories of active members daring to talk to leadership. Wild Wagley.
1:07:47 Sam poo poos the constitution. Jon Adams and 3/5ths
1:13:33 The alternative would be utopia. The Vote and Men
1:17:41 Virtue Signaling to Christian nationalists. “Not too get too political”
1:20:52 John is threatened by the doctrine of christ. Government Pressure Saves.
1:22:33 ATC is a cult tactic. Cult Jargon.
1:26:01, Leaving before too deep into adulthood.
1:27:15 John only wants cause less harm, no destroy churchy.
1:19”16 What would it take to go back to church? Redo the whole thing.
1:29:47 What would make exmormons come back?
1:33:12 Too reductive to call us tools of satan.
1:35:00 John advocates for making religious speech illegal.
1:39:11 What did jesus say according. Evil John
1:41:21 Hammer is not the right tool. NAACP shouldn’t associate. This guy isn’t black right. Driving While Black.
1:47:26 More telling us all what change is needed. They know Jesus
1:49:47 Tokenization again. You cant not stick your foot in your mouth with Woke.
1:53:06 Praise John, In the Name of Activist Jesus Amen.
1:56:17 Population Games. Canada Bigotry.

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