The Ray Agliata Show - Episode 50 - Kirk Shaw - CLIP - Mastermind Criminals

2 years ago

The Ray Agliata Show - Episode 50 - Kirk Shaw - CLIP - Mastermind Criminals

Check out the full episode here:

Kirk Shaw is a Bail Bondsman, Author & Heavy Rescue Fireman

Author of Make America Safe: A Bail Bondsman's Story
Life of a New Jersey bail bondsman, showing how the bail industry has changed throughout the years. Headlines exposing a lawless society, spiraling out of control, that needs to be reined back in. Criminals should be held accountable for their actions in a fair and rational way. In order to create a safer society, especially for those in indigent communities, the game of catch and release needs to end. The negative impact of Bail Reform, replacing the human element of judges by computer algorithms, isn't working. The Corona Virus now in play, opening the jail doors, creating the perfect criminal storm. Unfortunately, Bail Reform has become a democratic and republican issue, instead of a safety issue. Allowing complete anarchy is not going to fix the divide within our country.

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