Thanksgiving week Trading Strategy

2 years ago

#thanksgiving "tradingstrategy #tradingstrategies #trading #seasonality

Thanksgiving week Trading Strategy

Thanksgiving Day is one of the federal holidays in the US. As part of Thanksgiving, a Thursday the day after is called Black Friday because of the frequent use of sales that particular day. Consumers go on a shopping spree that Friday.

Is Thanksgiving a good week for stocks? In the video above we do two backtests of S&P 500 to find out. We provide you with the trading rules and the result. We won’t reveal the result. If you are curious, please watch the video.

We would also like to mention that the backtests in the video are examples of research we publish weekly in our strategy report (including the backtester code). Please press here if you want to know more.

If you want to go into more detail about "Thanksgiving Trading Strategy?", please have a look at our article on our webpage:

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