Fauci in the Hall of the Mountain King

2 years ago

(Music begins at roughly the 0:26 mark.)
Seeing all the claims aggregated and watching the efficacy disintegrate over time and turn into booster bans and straight-up disavowal is the perfect story arc of the last 2 years.
And this is how trust in public health died.
And this is why it must not return.
Because they earned this.
The vaccines were sold as both safe and 100% effective.
Every expert around said so, over and over, ad nauseum.
And there was simply no basis to make this claim on efficacy or on safety. As gatopal™ Efrat tells us here, it’s coming to light that the seeming source of “safety claims” was not even tracking adverse outcomes at the time.
I know people are tired of covid and covid data. me too. believe me.
But the size and scope of the epic fail here must be laid plain and recorded for posterity and for societal memory.
That’s how we avoid doing this again.
Read more at https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-receipts-on-vaccine-efficacy

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