electromagnetic waves harassment

1 year ago

Secret society cultists pscyopaths usually induce severe Sinus head pain by targeting my occipítal lobe from behind then the forehead neurovascullar bundle!

They always do it to me when i have important class task to do, in just a little pause between work and class

This mean the insane US agents, US airforce and their puppets in Brazilian airforce always seek to cause traumatic pain for mind control.

It has been hours that i am in grief pain, right now in internship they keep pushing around the mind control agenda via audio transmission and then electromagnetic abuse targeting my nerves to cause severe pain.

The electromagnetic waves are detectable and they have embeded it with artifical intelligence so that moment they notice you recording their harassment broadcasting they imediately stop!

US agents and US military traffic children and women all around the world for sexual abuse, for Brain experimentations. so far they have kidnapped many of my siblings after successfully implementing the internet of bodies on them remotely. ( https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2019/12/06/what-is-the-internet-of-bodies-and-how-is-it-changing-our-world/?sh=36840b3568b7 ) the program is beyond what they explain. It carries torture, terrifying experimentations.

all these 5 years of university has been a living hell for me being a testing object for internet of bodies, for psychiatric abuse and also organized stalking. They are plotting my kidnapping! anytime i disappear it is the US agents and US military and if i die, it is never suicide by their murder tactic they kill a person and then make it look like it was a suicide, through a set up! they have freemaosns, jesuits and skull & bone secret networks working for them around the world!
- it is a big club!

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