Episode 355: Fulfilling W. Z. Foster’s Strategy: Roe and Riots in the Streets

2 years ago

The full description and references for: Fulfilling W. Z. Foster’s Strategy: Roe and Riots in the Streets. An Analysis of ‘The American Road to Socialism’ can be found at: https://bit.ly/3NwY5yz

W. Z. Foster was the protagonist leading the early strategies that has brought us almost a decade of riots in the streets. This week I take you into the rhetoric of Foster which gave 1st Amendment credence to justify the U. S. Supreme Court to allow socialism and communism to secure its place as the change agent of governance, social, economic and political policy in these United States.

Initially I was going to write this as a separate article in connection to the recent Roe decision but time gets away when having many tasks on the schedule. Therefore you get the gist of the meat in the program instead.
With that, the riots over the reversal of Roe and the true insurrection by pro-abortion dupes, Antifa and other groups in various cities across the nation are the defenders of ‘peoples democracy’ against the restoration of Federalism. These protests and riots have been absolutely predictable. For several decades, I have been discussing as well as predicting the actions of the abortion activists and all those associated with what is called the ‘left.’ My point of this commentary on W. Z. Foster is not to add to the plethora of explanations respecting a Constitutional Republic and the true workings of Federalism but to again answer all those still asking ‘what happened and why?’

The reality is that the general public as well as the conservative movement do not want to admit that all the information leading up to the present riots in the streets has been in our faces for decades. I want you to think about what should have been a serious warning from William Z. Foster in his work ‘The American Road to Socialism:
Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3NwY5yz

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