End Times Revelations & Bible Codes: The Mercy Seat and The Ark of the Covenant

2 years ago

The greatest event that has ever taken place, the sacrifice of the Son of El Shaddai for our transgressions- The" wonder of ages", past and future, is presented with new revelations, including the dynamic and divinely led archaeological discoveries of Ron Wyatt, culminating with the revealed Bible Code on The Mercy Seat.

Five chapters are encoded, by THE ENCODER, our Father, יהוה, to share with us precious Truths of this greatest of mysteries. This table was searched by Code Searcher Cryptologist, Terri. The codes are located between Psalms 34 to 39.

The Mercy Seat is the accumulation of the entire Plan of Salvation. You will see one slide in particular that clearly represents how our sin debt was paid by our Messiah within the Justice and right ruling of The Master and Creator of all matter. Our sin debt, the transgression of His Commandments, was nailed to a brutal execution stake.

If you follow Ron Wyatt, you will find this discovery astonishing. There could be none to compare.

" For the life of the body is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is The Blood that makes atonement for one's life." Leviticus 17:11

See for yourself how YaHuWaH accomplished this. It is the greatest event that has ever taken place.
THE MERCY SEAT: where our Messiah, by His living Blood, secured your gift of salvation.

Truly, It is finished.

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