Ascension Current and Future Events Roundtable - With the Divine Feminine Lightwarriors

2 years ago

Join Kimberly Palm, Jenny Lee, Gail of Gaia, AKURA from Germany, Victoria Reynolds, Sandra McEllis and Salini Teri Apodaca, powerhouses of the divine feminine, for an Ascension Roundtable, where we discuss lots of hot topics regarding what has been happening on planet earth up until now, the current situation, and where we are going in our future. We also give you some advice on how to navigate the baloney. You will learn alot of intel from this group chat.

Contact info:
Jenny Lee's website:
Salani Teri Apodaca's site:
Victoria Reynold's site:
AKURA site:
Gail of Gaia's site:
Sandra McEllis's site:

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Kimberly's books:
Ascension 101: A Roadmap for Your Soul
The Real Fountain of Youth: An Intro to the PEACE Stress Management System
Both available on Amazon worldwide

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Painting of Mary Magdalene by Nel Bliss
Painting of the Prince of Peace by Akiane Kramarik

Copywrite 2022 - Kimberly Palm - Spiritual Growth Journeys, - All Rights reserved.
It is illegal to copy or use any portion of this video without consent from Kimberly Palm

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