20 Minute Neighborhoods

2 years ago

How our government is packaging and selling our future imprisonment..

"20 minute neighborhoods"

A good friend once told me that the 5, 10 and 25 km lockdowns during CONVID were nothing but a psyop to get people accustomed to being locked into an area.

She said to look out for new and shiny Health and Wellbeing Centers. And then imagine being connected to the "Internet of Things" where if you venture out of your zone, your phone won't work, or your money won't be recognised. Nothing will work.

All tied into your digital ID, your social credit score and tracked via 5G. Ding Dong Dan has even invested into the same surveillance software used by the CCP - we're just waiting for blanket 5G coverage and the systems to be ramped up.

These days with the jabbed sending out MAC addresses and patents from the JAB literally revealing nano-computing circuitry inside the JABBED, this nightmare is unveiling in front of our eyes.

But not to worry, there's cute little cartoons to help sell this concept and the dumbed down, govern me harder, woke masses will do anything to jump in line.

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