Find out which country has the highest global happiness index : Norway

2 years ago

Please help us fund oursecond channel that reveals the secrets around us!second channel, which reveals the secrets around us!thank you out which country has the highest happiness index in the world Norway Hello friends. Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country with an area of ​​approximately 385207 km². With a population of only 5.4 million people. If you've ever looked at statistics, the richest country by GDP per capita, Norway is always in the top 10. And even if you look at the economy in comparison, Norway stands out in comparison to many other countries. Specifically, GDP in 2019 was $403.3 billion, ranking 30th in the world. So why are they so rich?
Find the country out which nation has the highest global happiness index .has the highest global happiness index. Norwegian
Hello, buddies. The Nordic nation of Norway, or the Kingdom of Norway, has a total area of ​​around 385207 km2. only 5.4 million people live there. If you've ever looked at the data, Norway is consistently one of the top 10 richest nations by GDP per person. Norway distinguishes out among many other countries, even when you compare the different countries' economies.
With a $403.3 billion GDP in 2019, the country is ranked 30th in the globe. Why then are they so wealthy? Find the reason together! Norway has a sizeable exclusive economic zone at sea, with a

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