Warcry 2.0 Battle Report! Hedonites of Slaanesh versus Cypher Lords

2 years ago

Naomi and Britney face off across the battlefield with Cypher Lords and Hedonites in Slaanesh in this skirmish game of Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry, using the new rules!
For those who are only familiar with the previous edition of Warcry, note that Reactions like Shared Pain take up actions, unlike Abilities.
Hope you enjoy the game!
Were you wondering where the rules for the new Warcry are?
They are now available for free!
The rulebook is also inside the boxed kit Warcry: Heart of Ghur, and the warband rules for Slaanesh and Cypher Lords are available online!
You can check out this video for more info on both:


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